Captains' Court
Pts. Total
AWTA This is 40-Love00
AWTA Westover Rackettes00
BAL Causing a Racket00
CIM We Drop Shots!00
GH Blabalots00
GH Ladies Who Lob00
SR Backcourt Diamonds00
UTTC Balls of Fury00
WLCO Court Therapy00
WLCO Match Makerz00
WW Mood Swing00
  1. This division is allowed 7 subs each half of the season
  2. The colors show what opponent a team plays each week
  3. R => Rescheduled Match
  4. P => Partial Score
  5. Scores in italics are unconfirmed matches - a D next to the result means the result is in dispute
  6. Questions? Email division coordinators