Date/Time | Home | | Away | Location |
| February 10, 2025 |
09:30:00 | Courtyard Swinging Courtettes | vs. | UTTC The Slice Girls | Courtyard Racquet Club |
11:30:00 | Steiner Ranch KCs Sunshine Slams | vs. | Barton Creek Untouchaballs | Steiner Ranch |
09:30:00 | Lakeway Ace-Ace-Baby | vs. | Lakeway Love It or Lob It | Lakeway |
| | Resch. | 2025-02-13 | Lines 3 |
| | Resch. | 2025-02-18 | Lines 2, 4 |
| | Resch. | 2025-02-25 | Lines 1 |
09:30:00 | Grey Rock Rally Cats | vs. | Grey Rock Kickin Aces | Grey Rock Tennis Club |
09:30:00 | AWTA Wrecking Balls | vs. | Westwood Mood Swing | South Austin Tennis Center |
09:30:00 | ACC ServiceQueens | vs. | ACC ServeAces | Austin Country Club |
| February 17, 2025 |
09:30:00 | Grey Rock Kickin Aces | vs. | ACC ServiceQueens | Grey Rock Tennis Club |
09:30:00 | Courtyard Swinging Courtettes | vs. | Steiner Ranch KCs Sunshine Slams | Courtyard Racquet Club |
09:30:00 | AWTA Wrecking Balls | vs. | Lakeway Love It or Lob It | South Austin Tennis Center |
| | Resch. | 2025-02-18 | Lines 1, 2 |
| | Resch. | 2025-02-19 | Lines 3 |
| | Resch. | 2025-02-21 | Lines 4 |
11:30:00 | UTTC The Slice Girls | vs. | Westwood Mood Swing | University of Texas Tennis Center |
| | Resch. | 2025-02-28 | Lines 4 |
09:30:00 | Lakeway Ace-Ace-Baby | vs. | Grey Rock Rally Cats | Lakeway |
| | Resch. | 2025-02-14 | Lines 3 |
| | Resch. | 2025-03-09 | Lines 1 |
09:30:00 | Barton Creek Untouchaballs | vs. | ACC ServeAces | Barton Creek Country Club |
| | Resch. | 2025-02-17 | Lines 4 |
| | Resch. | 2025-02-19 | Lines 2 |
| | Resch. | 2025-02-20 | Lines 1 |
| | Resch. | 2025-02-26 | Lines 3 |
| February 24, 2025 |
09:30:00 | Lakeway Love It or Lob It | vs. | UTTC The Slice Girls | Lakeway |
09:30:00 | ACC ServiceQueens | vs. | Barton Creek Untouchaballs | Austin Country Club |
09:30:00 | Steiner Ranch KCs Sunshine Slams | vs. | Westwood Mood Swing | Steiner Ranch |
09:30:00 | AWTA Wrecking Balls | vs. | Grey Rock Rally Cats | South Austin Tennis Center |
09:30:00 | Grey Rock Kickin Aces | vs. | Lakeway Ace-Ace-Baby | Grey Rock Tennis Club |
09:30:00 | Courtyard Swinging Courtettes | vs. | ACC ServeAces | Courtyard Racquet Club |
| March 03, 2025 |
09:30:00 | Lakeway Ace-Ace-Baby | vs. | ACC ServiceQueens | Lakeway |
09:30:00 | Steiner Ranch KCs Sunshine Slams | vs. | Lakeway Love It or Lob It | Steiner Ranch |
09:30:00 | Grey Rock Kickin Aces | vs. | AWTA Wrecking Balls | Grey Rock Tennis Club |
09:30:00 | ACC ServeAces | vs. | Westwood Mood Swing | Austin Country Club |
09:30:00 | UTTC The Slice Girls | vs. | Grey Rock Rally Cats | University of Texas Tennis Center |
09:30:00 | Barton Creek Untouchaballs | vs. | Courtyard Swinging Courtettes | Barton Creek Country Club |
| March 10, 2025 |
11:30:00 | Westwood Mood Swing | vs. | Barton Creek Untouchaballs | Westwood |
09:30:00 | Grey Rock Rally Cats | vs. | Steiner Ranch KCs Sunshine Slams | Grey Rock Tennis Club |
09:30:00 | UTTC The Slice Girls | vs. | Grey Rock Kickin Aces | University of Texas Tennis Center |
09:30:00 | AWTA Wrecking Balls | vs. | Lakeway Ace-Ace-Baby | South Austin Tennis Center |
09:30:00 | ACC ServiceQueens | vs. | Courtyard Swinging Courtettes | Austin Country Club |
09:30:00 | Lakeway Love It or Lob It | vs. | ACC ServeAces | Lakeway |
| March 24, 2025 |
09:30:00 | Lakeway Love It or Lob It | vs. | Barton Creek Untouchaballs | Lakeway |
09:30:00 | AWTA Wrecking Balls | vs. | ACC ServiceQueens | South Austin Tennis Center |
11:30:00 | Steiner Ranch KCs Sunshine Slams | vs. | Grey Rock Kickin Aces | Steiner Ranch |
09:30:00 | Courtyard Swinging Courtettes | vs. | Westwood Mood Swing | Courtyard Racquet Club |
11:30:00 | ACC ServeAces | vs. | Grey Rock Rally Cats | Austin Country Club |
09:30:00 | UTTC The Slice Girls | vs. | Lakeway Ace-Ace-Baby | University of Texas Tennis Center |
| March 31, 2025 |
09:30:00 | Grey Rock Rally Cats | vs. | Barton Creek Untouchaballs | Grey Rock Tennis Club |
09:30:00 | Westwood Mood Swing | vs. | ACC ServiceQueens | Westwood |
09:30:00 | UTTC The Slice Girls | vs. | AWTA Wrecking Balls | University of Texas Tennis Center |
11:30:00 | ACC ServeAces | vs. | Grey Rock Kickin Aces | Austin Country Club |
09:30:00 | Steiner Ranch KCs Sunshine Slams | vs. | Lakeway Ace-Ace-Baby | Steiner Ranch |
09:30:00 | Lakeway Love It or Lob It | vs. | Courtyard Swinging Courtettes | Lakeway |
| April 07, 2025 |
11:30:00 | ACC ServiceQueens | vs. | UTTC The Slice Girls | Austin Country Club |
09:30:00 | Grey Rock Kickin Aces | vs. | Barton Creek Untouchaballs | Grey Rock Tennis Club |
09:30:00 | Westwood Mood Swing | vs. | Lakeway Love It or Lob It | Westwood |
11:30:00 | Steiner Ranch KCs Sunshine Slams | vs. | AWTA Wrecking Balls | Steiner Ranch |
09:30:00 | Courtyard Swinging Courtettes | vs. | Grey Rock Rally Cats | Courtyard Racquet Club |
09:30:00 | Lakeway Ace-Ace-Baby | vs. | ACC ServeAces | Lakeway |
| April 14, 2025 |
09:30:00 | Steiner Ranch KCs Sunshine Slams | vs. | UTTC The Slice Girls | Steiner Ranch |
09:30:00 | Lakeway Love It or Lob It | vs. | ACC ServiceQueens | Lakeway |
09:30:00 | ACC ServeAces | vs. | AWTA Wrecking Balls | Austin Country Club |
11:30:00 | Westwood Mood Swing | vs. | Grey Rock Rally Cats | Westwood |
09:30:00 | Barton Creek Untouchaballs | vs. | Lakeway Ace-Ace-Baby | Barton Creek Country Club |
09:30:00 | Grey Rock Kickin Aces | vs. | Courtyard Swinging Courtettes | Grey Rock Tennis Club |
| April 21, 2025 |
09:30:00 | ACC ServiceQueens | vs. | Steiner Ranch KCs Sunshine Slams | Austin Country Club |
09:30:00 | Grey Rock Rally Cats | vs. | Lakeway Love It or Lob It | Grey Rock Tennis Club |
09:30:00 | Barton Creek Untouchaballs | vs. | AWTA Wrecking Balls | Barton Creek Country Club |
09:30:00 | Westwood Mood Swing | vs. | Grey Rock Kickin Aces | Westwood |
09:30:00 | Lakeway Ace-Ace-Baby | vs. | Courtyard Swinging Courtettes | Lakeway |
11:30:00 | UTTC The Slice Girls | vs. | ACC ServeAces | University of Texas Tennis Center |
| April 28, 2025 |
11:30:00 | Barton Creek Untouchaballs | vs. | UTTC The Slice Girls | Barton Creek Country Club |
09:30:00 | Grey Rock Rally Cats | vs. | ACC ServiceQueens | Grey Rock Tennis Club |
11:30:00 | ACC ServeAces | vs. | Steiner Ranch KCs Sunshine Slams | Austin Country Club |
09:30:00 | Grey Rock Kickin Aces | vs. | Lakeway Love It or Lob It | Grey Rock Tennis Club |
09:30:00 | Courtyard Swinging Courtettes | vs. | AWTA Wrecking Balls | Courtyard Racquet Club |
09:30:00 | Lakeway Ace-Ace-Baby | vs. | Westwood Mood Swing | Lakeway |